Saturday, April 2, 2011

Child-like Faith and Humility

Jesus' disciples asked him this question one day, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?"  He called a little boy from the crowd and said "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven."  Matthew 18:1-4

I never have really gotten the full meaning or understanding of the beginning of this chapter until I read this book.
The footnote in my Bible says "Whoever humbles himself until he becomes as this little child exhibiting trust, openness, and an eagerness to learn.  These are childlike qualities that constitute greatness."  The only great child I can think of is the Dalia Lama who was a child in the movie Seven Years From Tibet.  I am thinking that this is not what they meant.  Were the disciples asking about the hierarchy of heaven like the Jehovah Witnesses believe?  The more people you save the closer you get to sit to Jesus?  Again I don't think so.  Was Jesus trying to get them to understand about humility? 

In the book, Heaven is for Real; the father asks this question of himself after Colton, the son, talks about the lights above the angel's heads.  What is childlike faith?  What is childlike humility? "It's not the lack of intelligence, but the lack of guile.  The lack of an agenda.  It's the precious fleeting time before we have accumulated enough pride or position to care what other people might think.  The same un-self-conscious honesty that enables a three-year-old to splash in a puddle, laugh with a puppy, or point out loudly that you have a booger hanging from your nose, is what is required to enter heaven.  It is the opposite of ignorance-it is intellectual honesty: to be willing to accept reality and to call things what they are even if it is hard."

I think about the lack of an agenda, who doesn't have those?  How is this going to benefit me?  What will I gain from it?  What about pride, position, and what others think.  We are a society that has the mindset of keeping up with the Jones',  looking out for number one, driven to work 50 hours a week to move up the ladder.  What about the lack of guile?  The definition  here says "deceitful, cunning".   Yikes neither of what I want to be known for.

Childlike faith is intellectual honesty.  WOW  Think about what that is;  They, children, are not afraid to tell it like it is.  They do not care who is around.  If someone smells bad they will let you know.  If someone is  disabled they have no problem asking,  loud enough for all the world to hear, why that person can't walk.   I have hairy arms,  most kids don't think twice about letting me know my arms are hairy.  After I agree,  yes they are very hairy,  they always ask why, I say God made my like this.  They accept it for fact, with faith that what I have told them is true.  Childlike faith.

Why is it so hard for my to have this kind of Faith?  Why do I struggle with giving things to God and then an hour later take that worry back?  Why do I try to fix things myself?  Why don't I always trust that he has plans "to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future."   A promise from my father who knit me together in my mothers womb.  He knows what words I am going to say before I even speak them.  He know how many hairs are on my head.  He loves me a lot!  he has a plan for me!

Lord give my  a childlike faith!

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