Sunday, October 24, 2010

Repairing the Hole in Our World

Break my heart for what breaks yours!  Hosanna! Hosanna!  Glory in the Highest. 

I am having a good cry right now.  My heart is breaking and I am so so sad!

There is a hole in our "world" that needs repairing. 

There are orphans across this world that need loving homes and Godly parents who are willing to step up and share the love of Jesus Christ with them.  A generation on our knees, a revival of sorts in the making!  Adoption is in right now.  Praise God for these wonderful people who are stepping up and taking care of the orphans as we are called to in God's Holy Infallible Word.

There is a huge movement going on right now to bring clean water to people across the world who have no clean water to drink.  None! Zip! Zero!  This has had a huge impact on my children.  They have heard. We often talk about families and children who have to drink water out of the stream that clothing gets washed in, that people use to wash their dirty bottoms in, water that animals drink from and maybe even poop in.  They ask what can we do?  It just breaks my heart Lord I know it must be breaking yours too. There are so many people who are willing to open up the check book and send money to dig wells; to adopt orphans; send Bibles to Mexico, Guatemala, and other third world countries; go rebuild homes destroyed by fire and flood. It amazes me in such a self centered world that there are so many generous and giving people. People who give money in the jars at the cash register for the person they never met with cancer, to bring a meal to a new Mom. To provide a Thanksgiving Dinner to a family that would have had to eat Hamburger Helper on Thanksgiving Day. AMAZING! GOD IS GOOD and his Mercies endure forever!

If you are still with me my tears have started again.  My heart is breaking I know my Jesus' heart is breaking too.

What would it be like if we had this much fire and passion right here in Hamilton?  What if people were willing to step up here?  What if we gave of our time?  What if we really believed that our actions gave Jesus joy?  What if we really listened to the call?  What if we reached out to someone in our own community?

Hard to answer isn't it?  

Why, why, why,  why Dear Father wont people step up in Hamilton MI?  I don't get it.  I don't understand.  It makes me sad, angry,  and resentful.   Forgive me Jesus!

1. Joy comes in Opportunity!  How many times have I seen ads in the bulletin for people to step up and give 2 hours a week to LOVE INC? Two hours---TWO HOURS out of how many hours a week?  I'll tell you it gives me great joy!!!  (Yes at times I drag my feet, yes at times I want to stay home, yes at times I grumble) ~~~ BUT~~~  T would miss me. He doesn't even talk to his teachers at school. His Mom is glad he talks to me.  C doesn't have a "mom" to talk to about her joys at school and learning to play the flute.  A, I, and F it is so great to see you smile again.  Divorce is hard and I am glad we get a chance to pray together.  I could go on.

2. Joy comes in Victory!  Victory over what?  Poverty, divorce, fighting, addiction, single family parenthood, abuse, neglect...  These kids have a place, for two hours a week, to go to that is safe and excepting.  They get a meal that feeds there body and a "dinner time" that is safe where they can share the joys and sorrows of the past week.  They are fed the Word of the Lord.   Why is this victory....if you spent 2 hours a week with them you would soon realize that this is NOT the norm for many of these kids.

3. Joy comes in Salvation!  What a joy it will be when I see the seeds I have planted in my own children grow and take root.  What a joy it will be see the seeds that I have planted in these other kids grow.  Many of these kids don't go to church.  Easter is about the bunny and candy.  Christmas...What is a manger?  Yup true stories!  They don't know because no one has taken the time to tell them.  (Forgive me here...water is important but can it get you into heaven?)  Break my heart for what breaks Yours!

4. JOY comes in the RELATIONSHIPS!  That is personal folks.  That is more than just writing a check or dropping some money into a container.  It is flying thousands of miles to China to pick up your daughter who you have prayed about for 5 years!  RELATIONSHIP.  It is meeting your two sons for the first time in Ethiopia, holding them, loving them and telling them that soon, very soon, you will be back to take them home.  RELATIONSHIP.  It is the years of praying for that sweet child you gave birth to, to take a stand and say I choose Jesus.  RELATIONSHIP.  It is hanging on a cross, being spit at, mocked, beaten, denied, scorned, killed...... RELATIONSHIP   Break my heart for what breaks yours!

What if you gave two hours?
Why wont you give two hours? 
Why can't you give two hours?
Why are the people right here in Hamilton not important you? 
Why do you turn a blind eye to them? 
Why do you gloss over reading the bulletin announcement for Mentors and Children Volunteers?
Why don't you step up in your own town?

Will you step up and volunteer with me?

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