Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Seems it's been a while since I posted anything.  First off it is my Birthday today so please do me a favor a get out there and VOTE!  You have no right to complain about anything if you keep silent and don't vote.  So do it, it won't hurt and it is FREE; trust me free is good.

The garden is in full swing and the first of the veggies have hit the garden stand.  Dan wants to break even and make enough money to pay for next years garden.  I say let's dream big and get enough to go on a vacation!

We are still jobless.  Dan is going to go back to Michigan Rehabilitation School to learn a new trade.  CAD work as he has know it is a dying field.  Businesses don't want to pay 2 guys to do a job; when they can pay one (the engineer) to do it.  So at 43 he gets to carry a backpack.  Wonder if he will need a lunch box. With no job comes the next topic DRUGS

 If you follow me on Facebook this will be old news.  How do we get drugs from Canada? $357 in Canada or $1,411 at Wal-Marts (s added on purpose).  That is for 3 months of Pentasa 500mg 540 pills.  Yup Crohns is an expensive disease.  I have tossed around adding my Pay-Pal gadget to this blog.  But since none of my readers are millionaires I decided to forgo that.  (and maybe no one reads this to begin with)  Seriously this is a huge issue for us.  With no job comes no health insurance.  We are at an impasse.  Pay the house payment or buy drugs?  Stay healthy or live in a box and become "freegans"?  The lady on the website http://www.ccfa.org/info/about/crohns told me that we could always claim the hospital stay that will result from a bad flair-up on our tax return.  WOW that made me feel better.   So it looks like we are heading to Canada.  I will keep you posted. 

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